- Human Brain has an estimated storage capacity of 256 exabytes (or 256 billion GB). This is equivalent 1.2 billion average PC hard drives, enough CDs to make a stack which would reach beyond the moon or 15 libraries for every person on the planet.

- While awake, your brain generates between 10 to 23 watts of Power. This is enough energy to power a light bulb

- The brain never Turns off or even rests through out the entire life. Brain is remain active when you are sleeping and it is very active especially when you are dreaming.

- The human Brain consists nearly 60% fats

- There are around 100 billion neurons in the human brain and each neuron is connected to the other neuron around upto 40,000 individual connections between cells. So multiplying those 100 billion neurons to 40,000 connections is equivalent to the brain having more than connections in it than there are stars in the universe.

- Estimated weight of a brain is around 3 pounds and it is only 2% of the total human's body weight.

- Information in a brain travels with the speed of 268 miles per hour unless you are drunk.

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