Pakistan has bundles of natural and others gifts. There are lot's of things you don't know about Pakistan. Here is the some most interesting Facts about Pakistan. Let's have a look on them.
- 1st Islamic Country with Nuclear Power
Pakistan is the first Islamic country who attain the Nuclear Power in 28 May, 1998 and became the 7th Atomic Power of the world.
- World's Largest Deep Sea Port
Pakistan is also having Largest Deep Sea port of the world known as Gwadar Port, located on Arabian Sea, Baluchistan. The Port is constructed by the mutual cooperation of Government of China and Government of Pakistan in order to support the trade.
- World's Highest Mountain Ranges
- 1st Islamic Country with Nuclear Power
- World's Largest Deep Sea Port
The world's highest mountain ranges exist in Pakistan which include Himalayas and Hindukush ranges of mountain. Pakistan also have title of having 2nd largest peak of Mountain, K2.

- World's Largest Network of Ambulance
Edhi (non profit organization founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi) is having the largest network of ambulance around the glob and not only operating in Pakistan but also in China, Japan, Canada and UK.

- 70% of hand-sewn footballs are made in Pakistan
Sialkot, also known as city of sports, is a leading sport's equipment industry in the world. Around 70% of hand-sewn footballs are made in Pakistan that export around all over the world. Recently, one of the Sialkot sport company, Talon, receive an order to produce 6 Million Balls. Pakistan has made the official football named "Brazuca" for FIFA World Cup 2014. NASA tested football and declared it as a best football ever made in Pakistan.

- Second Largest Salt mine
Pakistan is having Second Largest Salt Mine around the globe, known as Khewra Salt Mine located near Pind Dadan Khan. It produce approximately 370,000 tons of salt annually. Around 250,000 tourist visit mine every year. The internal structure of the mine that is especially prepared for tourist is also amazing. Different shapes are made with the salt only including Mosque, Minar-e-pakistan, structure of Badshahi Mosque etc.
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