These are the old seven ancient wonders of the world that come into consideration. The detail of all those wonders with their pictures are given below.
1. Great Pyramid of Giza:
The Great pyramid of Giza is the world's largest and oldest Pyramid in Giza, Egypt. Its 756 feet long on each side and 450 feet high. The Ancient name of the Great Pyramid of Giza was Khufu's Horizon. It took 20 years to build the whole pyramid. It is estimated that around 2,300,000 stone blocks were used in the construction of Great Pyramid that weight 2-30 tons each. There were three burial chambers inside the pyramid including bedrock underground chamber, the Queen's Chamber and the Kings Chamber located from bottom to top respectively. It is the only pyramid that have built like that its four faces are slightly concave and no other pyramid has face like this one. The estimated weight of Pyramid is around 5,955,000 tons.
2. The Garden of Babylon:
The garden of Babylon was built around 600 B.C and located about 50 km south, on the east bank of Euphrates River, of Baghdad, Iraq. Nebuchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens for his wife, Queen Amytis. Its height is around 24 m (80 foot) and it made up with Mud bricks waterproofed with lead.
3. The Temple of Artemis:
The Temple of Artemis, also know as Artemesium, was constructed in the mid of 6th B.C and were located at Ephesus, now modern Turkey. This temple was built to honor the Greek Goddess Artemis. Temple were used as a house of worship and as a marketplace at different times. The temple were destroyed three times and then rebuilt and each time it become more larger and beautiful than previous. After the third time when temple were rebuilt, it was 60 feet high, 450 feet long and 225 feet wide. It had approximately 127 columns. It is consider that it is the first temple ever that were constructed with marble.
4. The Statue of Zeus:
The Statue of Zeus is constructed in the honor of greatest Greek God and the father of The Olympic games. The statue is 40 feet high. The statue was made up with wooden frame and covered in ivory and gold panels. The statue of Zeus were destroyed by fire in the 5th century.

5. The Mausoleum Tomb:
The Mausoleum was the tomb of Mausolus king, at the Ancient City of Halicarnassus. It is 140 feet high. In the front of the tomb, a staircase was built that lead to the door of the mausoleum tomb. The stone lions were standing at the edge of the staircase. Different artists contributed in the architects of tomb that was the combination of Greek, Egyptian and Lycian culture. Most part of the mausoleum was made up with white marble and surrounded by courtyard.
6. Colossus of Rhodes:
It is also called the Statue of Liberty. The statue is 120 feet high from foot to crown. It is made up with bronze plates attached to iron framework. Over this, they used brass plates to create the skin and outer structure of Helios. It stood on 50 foot high with white marble pedestal. It is built in harbor. It took 12 years to built the whole statue.
7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
It is located at Alexandria, Egypt. It is also known as Pharos of Alexandria. The lowest level of lighthouse was 100 feet square and 240 feet high. The second level had eight sides and 115 feet high and the third level was 60 feet high. On the top of this was a statue that was built in the honor of Poseidon, the God of the sea.
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